Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Travel ...on short notice

This past week, I traveled throughout Canada chasing a time and chasing a dream. I had a little time to pack -literally booked the flight hours before the flight would leave. It really was an adrenaline rush because there was only so much I could fit in my suitcase, and I had not yet booked a return flight. If I could do it over, there are a couple of things I would have done differently, but for the most part, I think I planned wisely (in about 30min, lol)

Here's a list of things I packed on my way up north
1) Vitamins
2) Empty Water Bottles - they can pass through security checking, and once you get inside, you can fill them up!
3) Fruits, Sandwiches - they also can pass through security; trail mix also travels well
4) Empty Container - you never know when you want to store food over a couple of days; you can pack clothes inside of it so it will fit inside your bag
5) Clothes? Lots of Underwear and clothes that don't wrinkle (wrinkle free shirts & pants, athletic shirts); and at least one formal shirt, or dress if you're a woman
6) Carry On Bag + Personal Bag + Bag inside of Carry On Bag = 3 bags to travel with once you get to your destination w/o an cost
7) Pepto Bismal - works pretty well for me to get over upset stomach quickly
8) Headphones + Music player - listen to music and listen to your personal in flight movie (In Canada I got to watch The Hunger Games and Safe House)
9) Laptop, Flash drive, Camera w/recorder, iPhone or cell phone with WiFi - the iPhone can be your one source for photo, video, internet access, and data storage, but if not you have choices; WiFi access is very important when traveling internationally, because cellphone charges can cost you a months pay if you're not careful
10) Locks - for your suitcase and personal bag; some protection against people who may make off with your belongings
11) Soap, lotion, pomade/hair grease, Vaseline, washrag - you're only allowed 100mL of liquids as carry on

In addition:
1) If you can choose a flight with a large plane, that won't hurt your budget, you're more likely to get watch an in-flight movie or show!
2) Laptop and Cell Phone Apps like Skype, BBM

Saturday, June 2, 2012

First Race Back Home in NY

June 1st, 2012

My first race back home in NYC. I ran 1:49.17 and felt great doing it! Finally healed from various injuries and with a month of great training, my body was fit and rearing to go. Here, I even took out faster than the rabbit! I'm so excited about the next couple of meets!

The Camera's a little shaky, but you can still recognize me in the front, in the navy looking uniform.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Another Delicious & Healthy Meal

Yes! I cooked this delicious plate of food above. The contents are:
Rice & Peas (Black Eyed Peas, and White Rice cooked and flavored with salt, coconut milk, and 1 Scotch Bonnet Pepper)
Salt Fish & Butter Beans (Seasoned with Sweet Pepper, 1 Scotch Bonnet Pepper, Onion, Tomato, Adobo seasoning and Coconut Milk; the Salted Fish that I used was Cod Fish)

A meal like this is high in carbohydrates, protein, fiber and packed with plenty of vitamins and nutrients. I also like to add brown sugar to my cooked food, so a little of that went into the Salt Fish and Butter Beans (try it!)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Power Bar Team Elite

Darryll Oliver is a member of

PowerBar has selected me to be one of their featured professional athletes training for the 2012 Olympic Trials!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cooking Expeditions

February 5th, 2012

Darryll the Chef!

Yeah that's right, your boy can cook. With some help from my hall mate Stephanie and a few calls to home, I prepared some of my favorite dishes. Tastes just like my Momma made it!

The one on top is Ackee and Saltfish, with boiled yellow yam, Irish potato,  plantain and dumplings.
The one on the bottom, is Saltfish, with callaloo and cabbage, rice and boiled green banana.