Friday, July 13, 2012

How to Travel ...on short notice

This past week, I traveled throughout Canada chasing a time and chasing a dream. I had a little time to pack -literally booked the flight hours before the flight would leave. It really was an adrenaline rush because there was only so much I could fit in my suitcase, and I had not yet booked a return flight. If I could do it over, there are a couple of things I would have done differently, but for the most part, I think I planned wisely (in about 30min, lol)

Here's a list of things I packed on my way up north
1) Vitamins
2) Empty Water Bottles - they can pass through security checking, and once you get inside, you can fill them up!
3) Fruits, Sandwiches - they also can pass through security; trail mix also travels well
4) Empty Container - you never know when you want to store food over a couple of days; you can pack clothes inside of it so it will fit inside your bag
5) Clothes? Lots of Underwear and clothes that don't wrinkle (wrinkle free shirts & pants, athletic shirts); and at least one formal shirt, or dress if you're a woman
6) Carry On Bag + Personal Bag + Bag inside of Carry On Bag = 3 bags to travel with once you get to your destination w/o an cost
7) Pepto Bismal - works pretty well for me to get over upset stomach quickly
8) Headphones + Music player - listen to music and listen to your personal in flight movie (In Canada I got to watch The Hunger Games and Safe House)
9) Laptop, Flash drive, Camera w/recorder, iPhone or cell phone with WiFi - the iPhone can be your one source for photo, video, internet access, and data storage, but if not you have choices; WiFi access is very important when traveling internationally, because cellphone charges can cost you a months pay if you're not careful
10) Locks - for your suitcase and personal bag; some protection against people who may make off with your belongings
11) Soap, lotion, pomade/hair grease, Vaseline, washrag - you're only allowed 100mL of liquids as carry on

In addition:
1) If you can choose a flight with a large plane, that won't hurt your budget, you're more likely to get watch an in-flight movie or show!
2) Laptop and Cell Phone Apps like Skype, BBM

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